Flushing Committee and Rules
Up Dated March 2, 2022
The Shot Bird points will now be two (2) points in the Flushing Division.
Flushing Open and Flushing Doubles trials are now required to have eight (8)
dogs in each trial (regardless of their having been pointing division trials(s)) to
be a sanctioned trial.
Rule 1; Definitions:
Sec 1: Acted On: Acted on is when a handler fires his gun at a bird for the
purpose of bagging it.
Sec 2: Bagged Bird: A bagged bird is a bird that has been shot or trapped,
retrieved and in the possession of the handler or the judge. If a bird escapes
from a competitor’s control and is no longer in his / her possession during the
brace; it is no longer considered ‘bagged’. If on the third bird the clock will be
restarted and the competitor must either find and replace this bird back in
his/her bag while the clock is running or find, harvest and retrieve an
additional bird to meet the requirement of the event or until the allocated
time has elapsed; whichever comes first.
Sec 3: Designated Shooter (DS): A Designated Shooter is a person Designated
or Approved by the Field Marshal, Trial Host or Trial Committee to shoot for a
handler. Designated Shooter may not assist handler in any way. The
Designated Shooter’s sole purpose is to shoot for the handler.
Sec 4: Designated Walker (DW): A Designated Walker is a person Designated
or Approved by the Field Marshal or Trial Committee to walk for an injured or
physically challenged handler.
Sec 5: Field Marshal: A field Marshal is a person appointed by the trial
committee or host to oversee a particular field(s). A Field Marshal has the
authority to make rulings on changing of running order and to oversee the51
overall proceedings of the field he/she has been assigned too. Also, should
ensure that no birds are bumped from the field while the bird planter is
planting the field.
Sec 6: Illegal Dog: Is a dog that enters into a field in which the dog is not
assigned too.
Sec 7: Ineligible Dog: Is a dog that does not meet the registration
requirements of the UFTA By-laws or that has been suspended from UFTA
events, or that is running under an assumed name. EFFECT: Immediate
disqualification of the dog and handler.
Sec 8: Interference: Any dog or person not assigned to the field in which the
run is taking place enters into that field and distracts the legal dog in any
way. Or flushes a bird from the field, or in the judgment of the judge, hinders
the legal dog in any way will be considered interference.
Sec 10: Re-runs: A re-run is an aborted run, which is to be started over. On
any re-run a handler cannot better their time from when the re-run was
awarded but the score can be improved.
Sec 11: Retrieves: There are two kinds of retrieves, a full retrieve and a
partial retrieve.
a) A full retrieve is worth 10 points and is awarded when a dog brings the
bird(s) back to within one step of the handler.
b) A partial retrieve is worth 5 points and is awarded when a dog only
partially brings a bird back to the handler. To be scored as a partial retrieve,
the dog has to have the bird in its mouth and make an attempt to bring the
bird to the handler (the dog must make a complete step with at least one
Sec 12: Running: The definition of running is the handler, the designated
walker or designated shooter not having at least one foot on the ground at all
times while competing.
Sec 13: Safety: A safety can be called by the handler, DS, or the judge. A
safety is called only when the dog, judge, gallery, or personal property would
be in peril if the handler would choose to shoot.52
Sec 14: Time Limit: A UFTA field trial will be run with a fifteen (15) minute
time limit for the singles division (both Open Shooting Flushing Dog and
Amateur Shooting Flushing Dog).
Sec 15: Trapped Bird(s): A bird is trapped when a dog places it in its mouth
and has enough control to retrieve it to the competitor. A bird can be in or
out of its nest for this to occur. The competitor must not move after the dog
has the bird in his mouth until the retrieve is complete for full retrieve points.
Sec 16: Trial Grounds: The field trial grounds are 7-12 acre fields with mown
or fixed boundaries with either fence or flags or some other approved
markings to clearly mark out of bounds areas. Trial grounds may be larger if
approved in advance by the Board of Directors or State Director.
Sec 17: Walking: The definition of walking is a handler, designated walker or
designated shooter having at least one foot on the ground at all times while
competing. The cadence of the walk should be heel - toe, heel – toe.
Sec 18: Player Conduct: All competitors and those affiliated with a competitor
agree to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike and socially responsible
manner. Competitors will not engage in behavior that damages the image of
the UFTA. All competitors agree to refrain from behavior or language that
might be perceived as threatening or offensive. Competitors will not engage
in unsportsmanlike conduct with another teammate, judge, competitor,
sponsor, attendee or UFTA representative at anytime. All competitors agree
not to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health or safety of
themselves, another competitor, spectator, attendee, UFTA representative,
host or dog at any time. All competitors agree to respect and support the
decisions or rulings as administrated by an official, host, marshal or other
UFTA representative. All competitors understand that they are financially
responsible for all fees and costs associated with competing and being a
member of the UFTA. All competitors agree that they are required to be
punctual and on time for posted brace times in order to maintain the
schedule of a competition. All competitors agree not to use alcohol or other
controlled substance unless prescribed by a physician prior to or while
competing. All competitors agree that they will abide by the definition and
expectations of Player Conduct as it is outlined above. Failure to do so will be53
subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including the following:
Verbal warning -- Score penalty (time added or point deduction) --
Disqualification (from the brace or competition) -- Suspension --Banishment
Sec 19: Illegal Shell: Only 2 3/4 inch shells will be allowed for 16 gauge and
larger bore guns. 20 gauge and smaller bore guns may use 3-inch shells.
Maximum size shot is six (6) shot for ANY gun. NOTE: Some facilities or clubs
may allow only smaller shot than six (6) shot, example, 7 ½, 8 or 9 shot.
Sec 20: Spectator: Any person’s observing a competition, even if that
person’s is a competitor in an event. Spectators are there only to observe and
should not attempt to interfere with or manipulate the outcome of a
competition. Those determined to be in violation of the above may be
removed from the grounds and subject to banishment from future
competitions. It is our intent to make the UFTA competitions as enjoyable as
safely permissible for as many as possible. However, should this privilege be
abused by the spectator, we reserve the right to revoke it immediately.
Spectators will never be allowed to influence the outcome of a competition.
General - The Field Trial
Note: During competition, at no time can any handler, DW, or DS in any
division use any communication devices which includes but is not limited to;
cell phones, radios, transmitters, flags, signs, etc. This will be considered un-
sportsmanlike conduct and grounds for immediate disqualification.
Sec 1: Open Shooting Flushing Dog division: Is open to any flushing dog and
consists of one handler and one dog. The Open Shooting Flushing Dog
Division will compete in two (2) fifteen (15) minute runs. The two scores will
be added at the end of the trial for one total score. The total score of the two
runs will determine the order of finish. The Open Shooting Flushing Dog
Division will be a three (3) Bird Run unless otherwise approved by the Board
of directors prior to the start of the trial. EXCEPTION: more than one hunter
may be in the field if the handler is utilizing the Designated Walker or the
Designated Shooter. All rules and penalties of the Designated Shooter and
Designated Walker apply.54
Sec 2: Open Doubles Flushing Dog division: The Doubles event consists of
two (2) hunters and one (1) dog. This team will hunt for six (6) birds that are
either chukar or quail. Combinations of these are permissible as long as the
same combination and quota are used for all competitors, even if birds still
remain in the field from the previous competitor. Two shells are allowed per
bird planted for competitors, but they are not allowed to share the quota of
Sec 3: A dog can compete only one time per division per trial. However, the
dog may compete in more than one division per trial.
Sec 4: Scheduling of run times will be determined by a witnessed blind draw.
No competitor should run back to back braces.
Sec 5: All fields must be flushed each morning prior to the event by dogs that
are not scheduled to compete in that field during the event whether its one
or two days
Sec 6: Lack of knowledge of the rules will not be grounds for protest. Any
situation not covered in this rule book will be considered bad luck for the
competitor. Manipulating the rules in a way they were not intended will not
be tolerated.
Sec 7: The field trial grounds are 7-12 acre fields unless larger fields are
approved by the State Representative or Board of directors that are clearly
marked with fixed or mown boundaries. Fence, flags, paint can mark
boundaries or mown strips or any other method approved by the UFTA Board
of directors.
Sec 8: Any female dog in season must be run last. Handler must make the
trial committee or field marshal aware of this. Failure to do so may result in
the disqualification of the dog. Females in heat may be subject to a bitch
check to verify heat status.
Sec 9: Trial Chairman, his/her immediate family or employees may compete
in their own trials.
Sec 10: Trial committee members may compete for the cash and prizes, as
well as the trophies and the points.55
Sec 11: All dogs must be registered with a traceable pedigree. (Proof must be
made available on request) NOTE: If handler does not have the proper
registration papers on hand. The handler has 7 days from the end of the trial
to supply proper papers or any placements will be forfeited, and all prize
money and prizes must be returned. EFFECT: Penalty for failure to return
prizes and/or prize money will be the indefinite suspension of the offender
until said prizes and/or prize money is returned.
Sec 12: The UFTA will not under any circumstances tolerate poor
sportsmanship, mistreatment of a dog, unsafe handling of a firearm, alcohol
or drug use or any other act that is un-becoming of a gentleman or a lady or
that is a detriment to the Field Trial Game.
Sec 13: A field trial must be set at least 21 days in advance to be recognized
as an official trial.
Sec 14: An Open field trial consisting of Open Flushing Division only must
have 8 entries 48 hrs. in advance of the trial to be sanctioned as an official
Sec 15: In any trial, a handler can run at least THREE (3) dogs, but otherwise
no more than 10% which would allow four dogs in a 20+ dog trial. A
maximum of four (4) dogs will be allowed no matter how many dogs are in
the division. NOTE: This applies to each division and not the amount of dogs
entered into the whole trial.
Sec 16: All Dogs must be kept in gun range to the competitor during their run.
Gun range is defined as within 60 yards of the handler. 10 points will be
deducted for dogs trapping or pointing out of range.
Doubles Flushing Division
Sec 1: The Doubles event consists of two (2) hunters and one (1) dog. This
team will hunt for (6) six birds that re either chuckar or quail. Combinations
of these are permissible as long as the same combination and quota re used
for all competitors, even if birds still remain in the field from the previous
competitor. Two shells are allowed per bird planted for competitors, but
they are not allowed to share the quota of shells.56
Sec 2: If one team member is waiting on a retrieve from the dog the other
team member must also remain stationary as long as the other team
member is.
Sec 3: A team member cannot call a safety on his partner.
Sec 4: One team member can shoot all the birds if desired and the bird can
be delivered to either team member.
Sec 5: A winner will be declared by completing one (1), fifteen (15) minute
brace per team to determine the highest score. Ties are broken the same
was as Flushing singles. It is acceptable to adjust the time to a fifteen minute
brace to accommodate weather, daylight or a modified format.
Sec 6: A competitor can enter a maximum of 4 dogs.
Sec 7: Once a team has flushed 8 birds that have been bagged or left the
field the run will end and the time will be considered full time.
A GOOD, SAFE SHOOT IS ALWAYS the responsibility of the shooter. Failure to
display safe shooting or gun handling practices while competing in a UFTA
event is grounds for immediate disqualification. This is left solely up to the
judgment of the judge, trial host, field marshal or trial committee
Sec 1: No bird in flight may be shot unless it is safe to do so. A safety shall be
called for ANY unsafe shooting condition involving potential injury to any
person, dog, or personal property.
Sec 2: The handler or judge may call a safety. The final decision as to whether
the safety will be allowed will be left up to the judge’s discretion. NOTE: It is
possible though NOT LIKLEY for two or more safeties to be awarded if
multiple flushes occur and there is no safe shot on any bird. See FLUSHES –
Sec: 2 for more information.
Sec 3: Running by any handler, designated shooter or designated walker is
prohibited during the field trial. It is the handler’s responsibility to control
his/her designated shooter or designated walker from running. EFFECT: The
first warning assessed to the handler; zero (0) points will be deducted. For57
the second warning to the handler a five (5)-point deduction will be assessed.
For the third warning, the handler WILL BE DIS-QUALIFIED.
Sec 4: A handler will be awarded a safety if the judge or cameraman flushes a
bird out of the field to include shot bird points. If the bird stays in the field
the handler can immediately hunt the bird but will not be awarded the safety
from the 1st flush.
Sec 5: For a third bird safety (or quota ending bird) the time stops when the
handler, judge or designated shooter calls safety and the dog is either
leashed or the competitor has physical control of the dog (by the collar).
Sec 6: As long as the handler or designated shooter has a shell in his/her gun,
a safety can still be awarded.
Sec 7: Handler Safety: a) No bird is to be shot on the ground. b) Blaze Orange
Vest; Cap, or Coat must be worn during the trial. c) All guns MUST have the
shells removed and the chamber left open at all times except while
competing. d) All dogs must be leashed, staked out, in a vehicle or restrained
in some manner (approved by trial committee or field marshal) unless
competing. e) If the handler must help a dog over or through any obstruction,
the handler must give the gun to the judge unloaded, with the chamber
open. f) If the handler must leave the trial grounds for any reason during the
run, the handler must give the gun to the judge unloaded, with the chamber
open. g) Only 2 3/4 inch shells will be allowed for 16 gauge and larger bore
guns. 20 gauge and smaller bore guns may use 3-inch shells. Maximum size
shot is six (6) shot for ANY gun. NOTE: Some facilities or clubs may allow only
smaller shot than six (6) shot, example, 7 ½, 8 or 9 shot..
Sec 8: When a safety is awarded, the shot point (2) will not be awarded. The
shot point is awarded if safety is on a person or property, not the dog.
Sec 9: If the handler shoots and it is not in the direction of the bird in flight,
this will be grounds for immediate disqualification.
All scorecards must be signed by the handler and by the judge. Scorecards
are FINAL and the only additions/changes that can be made to the scorecard58
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Bradshaw, Clint Members 750 County Road 501 Elba, AL 36323 Email this person |
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Steingraber, Dan Members 230 Main St Toledo, OH 43605 Email this person |
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Karban, Eddie Members 33727 Center Rd Valley City, OH 44280 Email this person |